Tuesday 21 October 2014

introduction to my first ever blog

Hey everyone!!
This is my first time writing a blog and I am so awful at computers, it has just taken me 2 hours to figure how to log back onto my google account so I'v just ended up restarting everything.
Anyways a little about me.. I am from the Seychelles, if no one knows where that is, its near Madagascar.. yes like the movie. If you need image aid to help I have provided such:

 I am studying Geography at UCL and I am currently in my third year.
Well first of all why this topic?.. well being from the Seychelles a small tropical island in the the middle of the Indian Ocean I am constantly surrounded by vast amounts of water wherever I look. However, for as long as I can remember for several weeks a year the people of Seychelles have been cut off from the water supply due to ' water shortages'. Now this has always puzzled me? How can somewhere surrounded by oceans suffer from water shortage? It seems pretty bizarre.
Well in time I began to realise, yes we have plenty of water as the oceans cover more than 70% of the Earths surface, but 98% of the Earth's water is in the oceans and only 2% is freshwater!
 So that explains it: we have limited freshwater not water, and moreover only 0.5% of this freshwater is actually surface water readily available to us.
Now freshwater is becoming even more scarce as time goes on. There are two dramatic things occurring in the world at the moment. Greater human influence on our planet and climate change.
 Both contribute to this decreasing freshwater security but to what extent?
Now over the course of this blog which I will be adding to every so often in the next three months, I have established a few questions I will aim to target, although these might extend .. beware. Alright so these are them so you get a feel of the direction this blog will be going in:

  • How do human activities and climate change affect water scarcity?
  • Regions in the world suffering from lack of freshwater and why?
  • What positive steps can be taken to ensure water security?
  • And finally which has the greater influence on water scarcity: human activities or climate change?
Oh and If you are wondering what the hell is water scarcity, it is simply the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region.
Please comment and allow me to fish for more ideas

Signing off now but not for long

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